lunedì, gennaio 29, 2007

Swedish waters

Questo scatto di oggi mi ricorda lontanamente i paesaggi della svezia,
uno dei paesi più belli d'europa e uno dei miei sogni,
spero di andarci il più presto possibile, per ora mi accontento del Ticino :-P

7 commenti:

Annelisa ha detto...

Mmmmm, lovely and mellow. Did you stand in the middle to take this?
And, can you remember what that is half way up the left bank?

Mystic Rose ha detto...

oh..i love waters like this. i can just stay for hours with my feet playing in the water..even when it is freezing cold!(ive done it, quite often).

nice pic!!

Giuliano88 ha detto...

I have made the photo sat on the stones of the shore and what I think that you see it is a big stone :-P thanks for the compliments and the visit Annelisa

Giuliano88 ha detto...

thanks for the compliments Mystic rose! :-)

Annelisa ha detto...

Hey Giuliano - Just stopping by to wish you a

Very Happy Valentine's Day!!

Annelisa ha detto...

Oh, did I tell you I did a couple of lines for you on my Heroines and Heroes Bloggers' poem? I put them on about a week ago, but can't see anywhere I said it to you! :-S

Exhibiting images altered
Italian poetry haltered

Giuliano88 ha detto...

thanks so much, I have really appreciated what you have done.
thanks again, hi annelisa